Sunday, November 4, 2012

Socialization From Media

     The explanation behind UT football fans thoughts and actions, at football games, is a direct result of how they were socialized to behave. Factors such as the media, friends, and family draw an outline for how UT students should act in the rowdy Darrell K. Royal Texas Memorial Stadium.

Regional Distribution of UT Fans
     The media plays the biggest role on UT student, football fans. The Texas Longhorns have their own nationally televised network, The Longhorn Network (TLN).  This program is hosted by ESPN and is available nationwide.  Longhorn fans not only have to support the team to feed their personal satisfaction, but now have to represent themselves as the rowdiest and most devoted fans on a network broadcasting at all times.  Being the first college to have a nationally produced sports television network, Longhorn fans feel obligated to show the country everything truly is better in Texas, starting with the devotion of the football fans. 

     According to data collected, from social advertisements on Facebook, a large number of Longhorn supporters live outside of Texas.  With this knowledge, UT students in attendance of a game must uphold the intensity of our fan base for the nation to observe. Out of state viewers must witness students living up to and exceeding the tradition UT fans have established during the existence of our program.

States with Access to the Longhorn Network

     The media became the largest force of socialization amongst football fans. With a network expanding across the United States, media access became attainable by almost all individuals.  Once socialization, by the media, convinces a person to invest, this person is socialized to display devotion to a program, such as the University of Texas Longhorns.  In "The Psychology of Sports Fans: What Makes Them So Crazy?", by Thomas Van Schaik, Van Schaik proclaims after a win, "diehard fans are more optimistic about their personal sex appeal and their ability to perform well at mental or physical tests. When the team lost, that optimism evaporated." This notion proves a team's success or failure has direct affects on fans performing everyday actions.  By developing a connection between a sports team and fans, the media shapes the way individuals' perform in future endeavors. 

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